10 Surprising Benefits of Jogging that You Must Know


1. Jogging Helps in Weight Loss

A half hour jog easily burns around 300 calories. Jogging boosts the metabolism and is more effective than mere walking. 

2. Improves Bone Strength

The advantage of jogging is that it maintains bone health. When you begin jogging, the bones experience some amount of stress and load.

3. Develops Muscles

Jogging helps your body become more toned. It works on the large muscles and develops them. It is great for the hamstrings, calf, gluteal muscles, etc.

4. Keeps the Mind Healthy

Jogging plays a major role in improving the mental health of the person. When you jog, your body releases hormones called endorphins that help lift your spirit

5. Good for the Heart

Jogging is an excellent cardiovascular workout that boosts the health of your heart. It helps to keep heart problems and diseases at bay. 

6. Boosts the Respiratory system

Like any other aerobic workout, jogging enhances the lung capacity and strengthens the muscles of the respiratory system.

7. Prevents Infections and Communicable Disease

Jogging is known to stimulate the production of lymphocytes and macrophages that combat infection in the body.

8. Curbs Mental Stress

Jogging helps to soothe calm the mind. It reduces stress tension and also clears the mind of unnecessary thoughts.

9. Jogging has Anti-Ageing Benefit

Jogging benefits for skin are such that you start looking more fresh and youthful. This is because jogging ensures that the skin receives more oxygen and blood.

10. Builds the Immune System

Jogging promotes not just physical but also mental well-being. Jogging makes you stronger and fights depression and stress.