Teenage girls face a number of social and academic pressures that can make exercise feel too challenging.
1. Limit screen time- Addiction to using gadgets cell phones, tablet devices, and computers- to spend their free times. Make sure you set rules for spending time with gadgets. And spend free times in other constructive activities.
2. Healthy snacking- Choose a healthy snack. Stick to homemade versions of popular foods like pizzas and burgers. Swap the can of soda for fresh lime juice.
3. Consider weight training- For those girls who are near to, weight training is an excellent option. Resistance exercises three days a week can improve muscle strength and power.
4. Make work out enjoyable- Make sure that your work out session should be enjoyable and less boring. Try different sports as a part of physical activities every day.
5. Get out- Spend some time outdoors in some games or activities. A simple walk with the dog should do just fine in the beginning.
6. Portion control- When you are at a fast food joint, concentrate on the portion smaller, frequent meal throughout the day instead of three heavy meals. It will help indigestions.
7. Plan it- Fitness plan has any health benefits, specifying these days when lifestyle-related health disorders are common exercise during the teen year will ensure that you will be protected from a health condition like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure.