While we can appreciate that Gridiron, also known as American football, is widely popular in the USA, that isn't necessarily the case around the world.
Something that everyone can appreciate is how difficult a waiter or waitress' job can be sometimes.
It doesn't matter if you're ordering your usual at a different establishment or restaurant to the one you're used to, because the average portion size tends to be the same no matter where you go
Whether it be a physical wait or a mental wait, it doesn't really matter, because as the saying goes - good things come to those who show patience.
We're going to talk more about fast food in a little while, but we'll touch on it here because one of the main benefits of it lies within the fact that most of those joints are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
6. What are all those baseball players chewing?
It doesn't really matter if you aren't on board with it or you don't consider it to be a very socially smart thing to do, because only the person doing it can really decide what's best for them.
7. College Sports - Astonishing Commitment
In the United Kingdom and throughout Europe, universities have sports teams that compete on a week to week basis.
the Americans know how to mix things up with their food and drinks flavours, with the 'sweet' category being particularly profitable for them.
This entry is centred around the Brits more than anyone else, although anyone with a unique accent probably qualifies.
While chains like McDonald's and Burger King have been around for years, the Americans seem to take things to a whole new level.
The English language is a wonderful thing and it deserves to be treated with respect, although because there are so many countries that speak it, there are a handful of variations that often leave people quite confused.
The traffic light system has been in place for decades now, and the common courtesy of abiding by it doesn't actually extend to every single country that has it in place.
Everyone loves to represent their country in any way they can, even if they don't always feel like they should.
14. Deep Fried Foods - Beyond Comprehension
America is a hub for sub-genre whether you hate it or you love it, and you can't turn a blind eye to what they've done for the industry.
Even if you're a non-sports fan, you'll be fully aware of the fact that the 2018 FIFA World Cup happened in Russia.
There's a common practice associated with the word 'lad' in Britain, as it refers to an individual who enjoys things like drinking, having a laugh with his mates, and generally being a little bit rogue.
17. Houses For Fraternities - A Waste Of Resources
With most university societies, the general practice of arranging get-togethers includes nominating someone to host in their halls or accommodation.
Bumper stickers are universal things that people use to demonstrate something that they're passionate about.
In America, however, they can often be the highlight of the entire show that you're watching: especially if you're a non-football fan watching the Super Bowl.
This'll seem a little bit silly by nature, especially given that one or two other countries have adopted it, but it's something that definitely originated in the States.